Ever Why

Once upon a time, I had a baby. I was given a postpartum screening in the hospital, flagged as high-risk, and then sent home, with no follow-up.

I subsequently suffered from severe postpartum depression and contemplated suicide. 

My loved ones intervened. I had support, education, access to care, and the money to pay for it. I had great friends who helped me survive it. One shoveled me out of my driveway during a blizzard so that I could get to the ER. Another traveled with me across state lines when I needed to be hospitalized, just so I wouldn’t be alone. I healed. I thrived. As did these friendships. 

The three of us have joined forces, using our complementary skills as an advocate, tech executive and neuropsychologist, to improve maternal mental healthcare for all.

 I got help. I learned. I wrote books about my experience. 

 I am one of the lucky ones. 

It should not be this way. Every woman should be given easy access to appropriate care. Every family deserves an ever after.

Love, Becca


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